Aadhiko manuram nitrya

Aadiko Manoram Nrityadrama was based on todays students life. The themeof the drama was to show our difficulties and hardwork of todays students as well their family.

The drama showed about our leading life with friends. This is the period of adolescencein which we see different changes on physical and mentalthis is the time inwhich we involve in bad company. Because of some bad  friends  we starts to involve inbad works like smokingdrug addictiongamblingetcSome students may fall in love.But think guys is this the real time fall in love.this is the post-modern societyAll thepeople have negativity in which a true bond of girl and boy cant be seenWhy it is that?Why a girl and boy cant be the best friendsOur friends who see us spending time withgirl they thinks that we are in love or we are third gender.All the performer performed their character very well. The name of that drama is "आंधिको मनोरम नृत्य" It was the drama based on student's life which is happening in our day to day life. The main character of the drama was of the girl name 'Mishim'. From that drama we all students learned alot.  It was also about we should not be engage in bad activities,  not fall in love, save the prestige of our family.
 I wanna thank to our respective teachers for sshowing us this much inpirational drama.


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